From Cajamarca: Porcón Farm

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ID: GYG670594-1105637
Land: Peru

Duur: 05:00 uren


The Porcón Farm, located in Cajamarca, Peru, is a destination that combines natural beauty with sustainable agriculture and ecotourism.
We will start the tour at 9 Am

1.- Huambochanca: Visit to one of the artisan centers
visit one of the artisan centers of the stonemasons that are distinguished by their beautiful works in stone carved in quartz, onyx, marble, granite, etc.

2.- Porcon Farm: It is an existing agricultural cooperative in Peru, known as "Granja Porcon" located in the middle of an extensive pine forest.

3 .- Zoo: Begin the walk through the mini zoo to observe the animals of the coast, highlands and jungle, highlighting vicuñas, bears, lions otorongos, pumas, monkeys, etc..

Dairy and Artezanal Workshop: Tasting of exquisite products derived from milk. Visit to the quality handicraft workshop, son. weavings made with sheep wool, alpaca callhua. The looms are treated with natural dyes.

5.- Typical dish: Optionally you can taste the typical dish flag of the Agricultural Cooperative Atahualpa Jerusalem "Granja Porcón", the traditional mushroom ceviche.


  • Immerse yourself in the rural life of the Peruvian Andes at the Porcon Farm.
  • Granja Porcon, where nature and agriculture come together in a unique tour.
  • Discover the charm of life in the middle of the mountains of Cajamarca.



Wanneer moet ik boeken?

Om de beschikbaarheid te garanderen, dient u zo snel mogelijk te reserveren. Vroegboekkorting is het overwegen waard, vooral als u de reis plant tijdens het hoogseizoen, zoals op feestdagen of in het weekend.


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