Discover Peru in 12 days with a 3-star hotel

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ID: GYG515325-902013
Land: Peru

Duur: 15 dagen


You will get to know many of the attractions that Peru has to offer.
Day 1 Airport pick up
On the first day you will be picked up from the airport to your hotel.
Day 2: City Tour Lima
We will start picking you up from your hotel from 9:00-10:00 am (Miraflores / San Isidro). You will visit: The Park of Love, panoramic view of the archaeological site of Huaca Pucllana, historical centre of Lima, Choco - museum and tasting of typical liquors.
Finally we will have a guided visit to the San Francisco Convent and its Catacombs.
The tour will be ending at 14:00 hrs approximately.
Overnight in Lima
Day 3 Ica Paracas
On this day we will pick you up at your hotel between 3-4 a.m.
Visit to the Ballestas Islands
Visit to the vineyard where we will have lunch.
Then we will visit the Huacachina where we will have a guided tour (use of tubulars and sand-boarding).
Overnight in Huacachina
Day 4 Over Nazca flight
Pick up from your hotel to take you to Nazca for a 30 min. flight over Nazca.
Transfer to the terminal
Bus to Lima
Day 5 Pick up from the bus terminal and City Tour
Pick up from the airport and transfer to your hotel
City tour in the city of Cusco
You will visit: Qoricancha, Sacsayhuaman, Q'enqo, Pukapukara and Tambomachay.
In the morning: 8:30 hrs
Afternoon: 13:00 hrs
Day 6: Sacred Valley of the Incas connection Machupicchu
Pick up from hotel (Cusco city centre) Departure to the Sacred Valley of the Incas.
You will visit: Pisac and Ollantaytambo from 07:00 hrs - 16:00 hrs approx).
Buffet lunch in Urubamba.
Train ride from Ollantaytambo to Aguas Calientes (Machu Picchu town).
Breefing of the guide in the evening
Overnight in Aguas Calientes (Machu Picchu Picchu)
Day 7: Machu Picchu
Breakfast at the hotel
Bus to Machu Picchu
Guided tour in Machu Picchu
Lunch in the village of Aguas Calientes
In the afternoon return to Cusco
Day 8: Humantay Lagoon
Pick up from Hotel in Cusco (4:00 am Aprox)
Travel from Cusco - Mollepata (03 hours trip approx.).
Breakfast in the village of Mollepata.
Hike to the Humantay Lagoon (02 hrs approx.).
Lunch in the village of Mollepata.
Return to Cusco (18:00 hrs approx).
Overnight in Cusco.
Day 9 Salt mines of Maras and Moray
Pick up from hotel (Cusco city centre) Start: 08:00 to 15:00hrs.
You will visit:
Salt mines of Maras
Archaeological site of Moray
Day 10: Seven Coloured Mountain Vinicunca / trip to Puno
Pick up at the hotel (04:00am approx).
Drive from Cusco - Cusipata (03 hours trip approx).
Breakfast in the village of Tintinco.
Hike to the Mountain of Colours (02:30hrs approx.).
Lunch in the village of Tintinco.
Return to Cusco city (17:30hrs approx.).
Overnight in Puno.
Day 11: Uros - Taquile / Journey to Cusco
We pick you up from the bus station and then head to breakfast and start the tour.
We will visit the floating islands of Los Uros and then the island of Taquile.
Return to Puno at about 5 o'clock.
Overnight in Cusco
Day 12: Transfer to the airport.
Our transportation will be at the indicated time to take you to Cusco airport or bus station.


  • Days of adventure and comforting nights
  • Visit the wonder of the world in Peru
  • Fill yourself with energy in Machupicchu



Wanneer moet ik boeken?

Om de beschikbaarheid te garanderen, dient u zo snel mogelijk te reserveren. Vroegboekkorting is het overwegen waard, vooral als u de reis plant tijdens het hoogseizoen, zoals op feestdagen of in het weekend.


Deze excursie kunt u kosteloos annuleren tot: annuleringstijd voor aanvang van de reis. Bij annulering na: annulering na: annuleringstijd of niet aanwezig zijn op de excursie wordt de volledige prijs van de activiteit alsnog in rekening gebracht. Te laat komen bij het ophalen of vertrekken wordt beschouwd als niet komen opdagen.