Fantastic Peru 5 days: Lima-Ica-Cusco with 3 star hotel

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ID: GYG514638-901106
Land: Peru

Duur: 5 dagen


For adventurers who have only a few days to visit Peru
Day 1: City tour Lima
We will start with pick-ups from hotels
from 9:00-10:00 am or 2:00 pm
You will visit the park of love, then we will have
a panoramic visit of the archaeological site
from Huaca Pucllana, then
We will visit the historic center of Lima and
We will walk through its main squares,
streets, churches and remnants of the old city
of the Kings.
Later we will have a view of the crash
museum and tasting of typical liquors.
Finally we will have a guided tour of the
San Francisco Convent and its Catacombs.
The tour will end at approximately 1:00 p.m.
Day 2 Ica- Paracas
Pick up from your hotel in Lima at the indicated time
(4:00-5:00am approx.)
First point to visit the Ballestas Islands
Later we will go to the vineyard
where we will have lunch
Then we will visit Huacachina where
we will have a guided tour (use of tubular
and sandboarding)
After the tubular tour we
We will head back to Lima.
Arrival time approximately 10:30 pm
Day 3: Pick up from the airport + City Tour
Pick up from your hotel for the start of the tour at
city of Cusco. (9:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. approx.).
City tour in the city of Cusco
(You will visit: Koricancha, Sacsayhuaman, Q’enqo,
Puka pukara and Tambomachay)
Day 4: Machupicchu
Pick up at approximately 4:00 am, transfer to
the train station in the town of Ollantaytambo
Train Ollantaytambo – Mapi (round trip)
Bus to Machu Picchu (up and down).
Guided tour of the Machu citadel
Lunch in the town of Aguas Calientes.
In the afternoon return by train to Cusco.
Night in selected hotel
Cusco 7:00 p.m.
Day 5: Transfer to the airport.
Our transportation will be at the indicated time to take you to the Cusco airport or bus station.


  • A tour to visit the attractions of Peru
  • Discover the Ballestas Islands
  • Fill yourself with energy in Machupicchu



Wanneer moet ik boeken?

Om de beschikbaarheid te garanderen, dient u zo snel mogelijk te reserveren. Vroegboekkorting is het overwegen waard, vooral als u de reis plant tijdens het hoogseizoen, zoals op feestdagen of in het weekend.


Deze excursie kunt u kosteloos annuleren tot: annuleringstijd voor aanvang van de reis. Bij annulering na: annulering na: annuleringstijd of niet aanwezig zijn op de excursie wordt de volledige prijs van de activiteit alsnog in rekening gebracht. Te laat komen bij het ophalen of vertrekken wordt beschouwd als niet komen opdagen.