Lima: City Tour with Pisco Sour Tasting From the Airport

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ID: GYG624999-1042538
Land: Peru

Duur: 06:00 uren


Make the most of your layover in Lima with a guided city tour. Explore the historic center, see the Plaza San Martín, and visit the San Francisco Church and Convent.
Discover the highlights of Lima on a city tour from the airport. Explore the historic center of Lima, visit the Plaza San Martín, and see the Cathedral Basilica, the Government Palace, and the Municipal Palace. End your tour with a Pisco sour tasting.

Begin your tour when your transportation picks you up from the airport. Head to the center of the city where you will visit the historic center of Lima. Begin your walk in the Plaza San Martín, crossing the emblematic Jr. De la Unión until reaching the main square of Lima.

Appreciate the Cathedral Basilica, the Government Palace, the Municipal Palace, the Archbishop's Palace, and the San Francisco Church and Convent. Visit the underground crypts also called the Catacombs.

End your tour with a fun tasting and demonstration class of the flagship drink of Peru, the Pisco sour. Finally, be dropped off at the airport.


  • Explore the historic center of Lima on a guided walking tour
  • Discover the Plaza San Martín, the Government Palace, and the Cathedral Basilica
  • Visit the San Francisco Church and Convent and its underground crypts
  • Enjoy a Pisco sour tasting and demonstration class at the end of the tour
  • Benefit from a convenient transfer from the airport to the city center



Wanneer moet ik boeken?

Om de beschikbaarheid te garanderen, dient u zo snel mogelijk te reserveren. Vroegboekkorting is het overwegen waard, vooral als u de reis plant tijdens het hoogseizoen, zoals op feestdagen of in het weekend.


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