Presbítero Maestro Night Tour - Cemetery of Terror

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ID: GYG670128-1104892
Land: Peru

Duur: 03:00 uren


Explore eerie crypts & chilling legends in Lima's Presbítero Maestro Cemetery on our unforgettable Night Tour. Dare to join us?
Are you ready to face your darkest fears?

Join us on a spine-tingling journey through the Crypt of Heroes during our Night Tour to the Presbítero Maestro Cemetery. This eerie expedition unravels the city's most chilling urban legends lurking in every corner. Brace yourself for a horror tour like no other, where we share spine-tingling paranormal stories, recount shocking historical events including suicides, murders, and mysterious deaths, and unveil captivating curiosities and post-mortem photographs. Be prepared to capture unexplained orbs and hear incredible tales that intertwine art, history, and architecture in the ancient Pantheon of Lima: the Presbítero Matías Maestro Cemetery.

Dare to join us on this unforgettable adventure?

Itinerary :

Meeting point at 7pm, we will begin the tour.

• We will start our THEMATIC TOUR THROUGH THE CEMETERY by entering the Suicide Pavilion located at one end of the cemetery where paranormal events are reported.

• Then we will continue the tour to the oldest quarters of the cemetery, such as the tomb of the poet who was buried standing up, angelories ( children's burials), mausoleums and tombs of famous Peruvians of the 19th and 20th centuries, the Crypt of the Heroes (imposing construction where the remains of those who fell during the Pacific War and other battles rest), the avenue of the dead, the area of witchcraft, among other places of disturbing architectural beauty.

• It will be an intense night, full of history, mystery, fear and fun, in a circuit specially prepared to enjoy with friends, family or with your partner.
In this night tour we will be able to observe the different mausoleums made of marble, of different colors and structures in which different characters from Peruvian history live.

• We will also be able to observe two different crypts of a boy and a girl in the places where these crypts are located. You will be able to see thank you notes, toys since it is said that these children work miracles.

Return to the initial starting point 10:30pm


  • Night Tour to the Presbítero Maestro Cemetery.
  • Visit the imposing Crypt of the Heroes
  • Experience a night of history, mystery, and fea



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