2-Day Transylvania Short Tour from Bucharest

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ID: GYG33889-41470
Land: Roemenië

Duur: 2 dagen


Discover the medieval city of Brasov and towns of Bran and Rasnov on a 2-day guided tour through Transylvania, departing from Bucharest. Learn about the history and culture of the area with visits to castles, fortresses, monasteries, churches, and more.
Take a tour through Transylvania and get an introduction to this unique part of Romania on a 2-day trip from Bucharest. Walk on the narrow medieval streets of various ancient towns and absorb the mysterious atmosphere of the past. Every building has its own story, and their walls still keep the marks of a turbulent history.

On your trip you will visit the towns of Brasov, Bran, and Rasnov. Explore their histories and monuments, including the famous Bran Castle and Rasnov Fortress. See Snagov Lake and its monastery, and tour Peles Castle in Sinaia. In addition to your guided touring, enjoy free time to wander on your own or taste traditional Romanian cuisine.

Detailed Itinerary
Day 1: Bucharest - Snagov - Sinaia - Brasov
Begin your tour with a trip to an island in the middle of Snagov Lake, home to a monastery with the same name. Built around the time of Vlad Dracula's grandfather, the monastery has become famous as the burial place of the infamous prince of Wallachia. Continue to Peles Castle, an astounding royal residence from the end of the 19th century. After a delicious Romanian meal, continue with a walking tour in the historical center of Brasov. Your day will also include sightseeing of the following: Black Church, Citadel of Brasov, Ecaterina's Gate, White Tower, Black Tower, The Blacksmiths Bastion, The Weavers Bastion, The Ropemakers Bastion, and The Drapers Bastion.

Day 2: Brasov - Bran - Rasnov - Bucharest (Meals: B)
After breakfast at your hotel, visit Bran Castle, also known as Dracula's Castle, a medieval dwelling from the 14th century. Admire this legendary site, surrounded by an aura of mystery and perched atop a high rock. Then continue to see Rasnov's impressive fortress, also built in the 14th century to protect the people of Rasnov and surrounding villages from the numerous invasions. Finally, make your way back to Bucharest.


  • Explore your starting point of Bucharest, Romania's capital city
  • Visit Snagov Lake and see the monastery in the middle, on an island
  • Discover Peles Castle in Sinaia
  • Enjoy a night in the medieval city of Brasov
  • Gaze in awe at Dracula's Castle in Bran
  • Marvel at the Rasnov Fortress



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