10-Day Uganda Rwanda Congo Tanzania Burundi Safari Tour

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ID: GYG687281-1129201
Land: Rwanda

Duur: 10 dagen


Embark on East African adventure! Track chimpanzees gorillas and golden monkeys, Explore cultural landmarks, scenic landscapes and end with a tranquil boat safari on Africa’s Deepest water body.
Day 1: Begin your adventure with a scenic drive from Entebbe Airport to Kibale Forest National Park.
On Arrival at the Airport, enjoy a refreshing coffee break before embarking on a scenic drive to the forest. Check into Kibale Forest Lodge for an overnight stay.

Day 2: Experience the thrill of chimpanzee tracking in Kibale Forest.
After an early breakfast, embark on a trek to observe these fascinating creatures in their natural habitat. Later, journey to Queen Elizabeth National Park, where you can enjoy a late afternoon game drive in the Kasenyi plains before settling in at Irungu Safari Lodge.

Day 3: Start your day with a morning game drive in Queen Elizabeth National Park, encountering a variety of wildlife against stunning backdrops. Then, continue your journey to Bwindi Forest National Park, where you'll stay in a charming wooden cottage overlooking the forest and gardens at Bakiga Lodge.

Day 4- The Gorilla Experience in Bwindi Forest
Have a relaxing early breakfast then drive to the park offices for an 8AM briefing then embark on an experience which is the highlight of your journey with a 3-6 hour Forest walk , which rewards with coming face to face with these majestic creatures after meeting and interacting with these amazing creatures for a hour, you will walk out of the forest, have your parked lunch . Then, drive for 2-3 hours to Mgahinga Forest National Park,
Accommodation: Ichumbi Hotel.

Day 5: Delight in a golden monkey tracking experience in Mgahinga Forest, marveling at these playful primates in their natural habitat. Have a lunch break then journey to Lake Kivu in Rwanda, experiencing the transition in culture as you cross the border to Rwanda and relax at Colibri Guest House.

Day 6: Explore Goma city in Congo with a morning city tour before journeying to Kigali, where you can unwind and enjoy the city's vibrant atmosphere at Coalescence-Kigali.

Day 7: Discover the cultural and historical significance of Kigali with a visit to the Genocide Memorial and a city drive. Reflect on Rwanda's history before returning to Coalescence-Kigali for the night.

Day 8: Depart for Burigi-Chato National Park in Tanzania, where you'll embark on an afternoon game drive to witness the park's diverse wildlife. Check into Giraffe Lodge Biharamuro for the night.

Day 9: Journey to Gitega city, visiting the Drum Sanctuary to immerse yourself in the region's vibrant culture. Continue to Bujumbura city for further cultural exploration and stay at Maison d' Accueil-Burundi.

Day 10- Boat Safari at Lake Tanganyika- Africa’s deepest Lake
Explore the scenic beauty of Lake Tanganyika with a morning boat tour,later discover other tourist sites around Bujumbura city. By end of the Day Return to your Hotel and prepare for Departure at Bujumbura Airport making an end to this rewarding East Africa’s safari experience.


  • Meet primates in their natural habitant
  • Embark on an unforgettable East African adventure
  • Enjoy a tranquil boat safari on Africa’s Deepest water body



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