Lanzarote : Gran Tour from Fuerteventura LANZAROTE GRAND TOUR

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ID: GYG684449-1125629
Land: Spanje

Duur: 08:00 uren


Visit the near island of Lanzarote with a complete tour to discover the "fire island"and its magic. Our adventure starts in Corralejo (Fuerteventura) to join a day tour from the south to the north.
Our adventure starts at the harbour of Corralejo (Fuerteventura) to take the ferry to Playa Blanca (Lanzarote), here the bus will pick you up at the meeting point to start our day trip: the first stop is "El Golfo" a peculiar bay also known as green lake because of the green coloured waters due to the seawracks. later we will lead you to see how the principal products of the island are made: the "Janubio salt flats" and the winery in "La Geria", where you can taste this famous wine, as the grapes grow in a volcanic soil, the flavour is pretty different from the typical european white wines: the final product is a fine and fruity wine known all around the world. (did you know that the wine made in Lanzarote is named in various Shakespeare's plays?) now we can have a break: you can eat at the local restaurants of the area or bring a picnic pack with you. Time to visit The "National Park of Timanfaya" here you can see the more than 23 volcanoes and its activity. So, let's continue with the following stop: the "Peasant monument" a famous sculpture made by Ceasar Manrique, an important local architect and artist who created some of the most amazing buildings in Lanzarote: of course we can't miss its masterpiece: "Jameos del Agua", situated in the north, where you can see this building perfecty fusioned with the natural enviroment of the island. we can now leave the north to reach the harbour of Playa Blanca to take the ferry to go back in Fuerteventura.

guide will explain how salt is made and the importance of this product for locals as it is


  • Janubio salts flats: see how the salt is made
  • El Golfo: discover this peculiar bay
  • La Geria: taste the local wines
  • National Park of Timanfaya: explore the volcanoes and its stunning enviroment
  • Jameos del Agua: visit this local masterpiece



Wanneer moet ik boeken?

Om de beschikbaarheid te garanderen, dient u zo snel mogelijk te reserveren. Vroegboekkorting is het overwegen waard, vooral als u de reis plant tijdens het hoogseizoen, zoals op feestdagen of in het weekend.


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