Yala National Park: Morning Afternoon Leopard Wild Safari

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ID: GYG673957-1111643
Land: Sri Lanka

Duur: 05:00 uren


Our aim is to provide an unforgettable experience by showcasing the beauty of Leopards, Elephants, Deer, bears, birds, and all wildlife and nature in our safari tours.
Yala National Park, situated in the southeast of Sri Lanka, is a paradise for wildlife enthusiasts and nature lovers alike. Spanning over 97,880 hectares, this vast wilderness is renowned for its diverse ecosystems, ranging from dense jungles to open plains, wetlands, and coastal lagoons. It is home to an incredible array of wildlife, including the iconic Sri Lankan leopard, elephants, sloth bears, crocodiles, and a plethora of bird species.

What makes Yala truly exceptional is its high density of leopards, offering one of the best chances in the world to spot these elusive big cats in their natural habitat. The park's varied landscapes provide the perfect backdrop for wildlife sightings, with each corner offering a new and exciting experience.

Exploring Yala with our expert guides adds a whole new dimension to your safari adventure. Their intimate knowledge of the park's flora and fauna, coupled with their keen eyesight and tracking skills, ensure that you don't miss out on any of the park's wonders. They'll take you off the beaten path to explore hidden corners of the park, where you can witness wildlife behavior up close and capture stunning photographs.

But Yala is not just about the wildlife; it's also about the experience. The thrill of an early morning game drive, as the sun rises over the horizon and bathes the landscape in a golden hue, is unparalleled. The sounds of the jungle coming alive, the sight of a leopard stealthily moving through the undergrowth, the trumpeting of elephants in the distance – these are moments that will stay with you forever.

At the end of the day, as the sun sets over the park and paints the sky in a myriad of colors, you'll find yourself in awe of the natural beauty that surrounds you. Yala National Park is not just a place; it's an experience, a journey into the heart of nature that will leave you inspired and rejuvenated.


  • Experience our main aim: showcasing leopards and all wildlife.
  • Enjoy comfort and luxury in our customized safari jeeps.
  • Explore Yala's diverse ecosystems with our expert guides.
  • Create unforgettable memories amidst Sri Lanka's stunning natural landscapes.



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