Hikkaduwa/Galle: Yala National Park Jeep Safari Day Tour

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ID: GYG679742-1118681
Land: Sri Lanka

Duur: 10:00 uren


Take a Jeep safari around Yala National Park on a private day tour from Hikkaduwa. Track elusive leopards, watch herds of elephants, and learn about the multitude of animals that call this place home.
Discover Yala National Park, the second-largest wildlife park in Sri Lanka on a Private Jeep Safari Tour from Hikkaduwa. Experience unspoiled natural beauty and amazing wildlife.

Begin with a pickup from your hotel in Hikkaduwa. From there, relax on your drive to Yala National Park. Upon arrival, embark on a safari drive by Jeep, keeping an eye out for local leopards and elephants in their natural habitat.

Encounter other indigenous animals such as Leopards, Sloth bears, jackals, mongoose, spotted deers, buffalo, wild boars, sambhur, and hare. Have your camera at the ready as you roam through these animals' natural habitat.

You'll also get to see a variety of butterflies and species of birds. After the safari, journey back to your accommodation in Hikkaduwa.


  • Experience Sri Lanka's nature in Yala National Park
  • Look for leopards, crocodiles, buffalo, and different species of birds
  • See an array of stunning wildlife species local to the area
  • Ride in a soft-top Jeep and see the natural wonders of the park



Wanneer moet ik boeken?

Om de beschikbaarheid te garanderen, dient u zo snel mogelijk te reserveren. Vroegboekkorting is het overwegen waard, vooral als u de reis plant tijdens het hoogseizoen, zoals op feestdagen of in het weekend.


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