2Days Ol Doinyo Lengai Mountain Climbing Tour

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ID: GYG668777-1102551
Land: Tanzania

Duur: 2 dagen


Ol Doinyo Lengai volcano is situated in one of the beautiful places of North Tanzania, near Lake Natron where hundreds of thousands of pink flamingos fly. The Volcano known as the mountain of God
Day 1: Arusha - Lake Natron
Our driver will pick you up at your hotel in the morning and drive you to Lake Natron. The drive is fairly long and you will reach Lake Natron Camp some time after lunch. At the same time, the scenery on the way is picturesque and you will have an opportunity to see the local people, including Maasai tribesmen, as well as some African wildlife. After your check-in a guide will take you on a walking tour to Ngare Sero waterfall. The trail runs through a gorge and you will sometimes need to ford the stream, so we recommend that you wear sandals or the like to avoid constantly having to take your shoes off. A drive to the lakeshore, where you get a chance to capture its great scenery on camera takes place before you return to the Lodge for dinner and some rest.

Day 2: Trekking to Ol Doinyo Lengai volcano - Arusha
At 1:00 a.m. driver takes you to the foot of Ol Doinyo Lengai volcano for the start of your climb. The footing on the slopes of the volcano can be treacherous, especially in the dark, so follow your guide without overtaking him. The trek is strenuous and takes between 7 and 12 hours depending on your fitness and resultant pace. The gradient is steep, so it is best to make a short stop with every 100 m or so of altitude gained in order to get acclimatized.

It is best to make a break for breakfast on the way to the top in order to regain some strength for the remainder of your Ol Doinyo Lengai climb. At the edge of the crater you will have reached the altitude of 2,960 m. Here, you can actually hear the Ol Doinyo Lengai lava flow inside the crator of the "Mountain of God". The descent is easier and you may be tempted to move faster. This is, however, the time when most injuries happen, so mind your step! It is also advisable to change your fleece for a sun hat after dawn in order to avoid heatstroke.

Our driver will be awaiting you as you return to the foot of the mountain with cold drinks, ready to drive you back to the camp for a quick shower and lunch before your return to Arusha.


  • Ol Doinyo Lengai is unique among active volcanoes in the East Africa and unique
  • Ol Doinyo produces natrocarbonatite lava or “cold lava which makes it unique
  • Ol Doinyo Lengai eruptions happen without victims because the volcano small size



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