3 Days Ngorongoro Crater Wildlife Mid-range Safari

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ID: GYG618220-1033421
Land: Tanzania

Duur: 3 dagen


A true wonder of the natural world.Ngorongoro is largest crater in the world teeming with wildlife in their natural habitat.The crater is famous for its sunken caldera formed over a million years ago
Day 1:Arusha to Ngorongoro Crater
After breakfast depart in your 4×4 safari vehicle towards the awe-inspiring Ngorongoro Crater.
You’ll pass through maize, coffee and banana plantations and a scenic escarpment on the edge of the Rift Valley with stunning views over the distant Lake Manyara.
After a short stop, you’ll continue on your way to Ngorongoro Crater to arrive in time for lunch at your lodge/camp.
1300 Hours: Check-in and lunch follows.
1400 Hours: After lunch, the afternoon is at leisure. You can choose to enjoy one of the many activities available.
Cultural experiences – this will give an opportunity to understand the way of life as experienced by the local tribes for example the Iraqw as well as the neighboring tribes like the Maasai and the Bushmen.
Nature walks hiking and jogging – this activity could be done in the surrounding forest area as well as in the nearby villages and into the town of Karatu.

Day 2:Explore Ngorongoro Crater
Today you will head out into the early morning mist and make the 2000-foot descent into the crater.
Explore the distinct areas of forest, lakes and open grassland on a half day game drive during which you can hope to spot wildlife including the Big Five, cheetah and hyenas.
0900 Hours: Picnic Breakfast at the floor of the Ngorongoro Crater.
Ngorongoro Crater is inhabited by about 30,000 animals, of which half are zebra and wildebeest. The crater also has hyenas, lions, leopards, cheetahs, jackals, hippo, bull elephants, buffalo, Grant’s and Thompson’s gazelles.
The salt-whitened shores of Lake Magadi are turned a pastel pink from thousands of flamingos sifting algae and shrimps from this soda lake.
The lake also attracts a myriad other water birds including avocets, plovers and black-winged stilts etc
1300 Hours: We enjoy our packed lunch at the floor of the crater and continue with our game drive.
1500 Hours: We drive ascend to the rim of the crater and drive to our lodge/ camp

Day 3:Ngorongoro to Arusha
0800 Hours: Enjoy leisure breakfast at the hotel.
0900 Hours: Depart by road (4 Hour drive) back to Arusha. Along the way you may stop at Karatu or MtoWaMbu for a cultural village tour.
1400 Hours: Arrive back in Arusha. Transfer to your hotel


  • Ngorongoro Crater is often called ‘Africa’s Eden’ Natural Wonder of the World
  • Crater is home to over 30,000 animals elephants, lions, cheetahs, wildebeests
  • The crater floor – home to an impressive wildlife and birdlife



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Om de beschikbaarheid te garanderen, dient u zo snel mogelijk te reserveren. Vroegboekkorting is het overwegen waard, vooral als u de reis plant tijdens het hoogseizoen, zoals op feestdagen of in het weekend.


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