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ID: GYG669865-1104512
Land: Tanzania

Duur: 02:00 uren


Embark on an unforgettable journey from Moshi to Arusha National Park, where adventure awaits amidst Tanzania's breathtaking landscapes.
Embark on a captivating expedition from the vibrant town of Moshi to the iconic Arusha National Park, a jewel nestled at the foot of Mount Meru in Tanzania. As you journey through the scenic countryside, soak in the panoramic views of lush greenery, traditional villages, and distant horizons dominated by the majestic silhouette of Mount Kilimanjaro.

Upon arrival at Arusha National Park, prepare to be enthralled by its diverse ecosystems, from dense rainforests to open savannahs and shimmering lakes. Accompanied by experienced guides, embark on exhilarating game drives, where encounters with iconic African wildlife such as elephants, buffaloes, zebras, and giraffes are virtually guaranteed.

Immerse yourself in the park's rich biodiversity as you venture into the heart of its wilderness, catching glimpses of elusive leopards, playful monkeys, and colorful birdlife. Explore the mesmerizing landscapes on foot with guided nature walks, offering intimate encounters with the park's flora and fauna, including towering fig trees, cascading waterfalls, and rare species found nowhere else on Earth.

For the adventurous at heart, Arusha National Park presents thrilling opportunities for hiking, with trails winding through verdant forests and ascending to the summit of Mount Meru, offering panoramic vistas of the surrounding plains and distant peaks.

After a day of exploration and discovery, unwind amidst the tranquility of the park's picnic sites or enjoy a leisurely boat ride on the tranquil waters of Momella Lakes, where flocks of flamingos wade in the shallows against a backdrop of snow-capped mountains.

From the bustling streets of Moshi to the untamed wilderness of Arusha National Park, this journey promises an immersive safari experience that transcends expectations, leaving you spellbound by the beauty and wonder of Tanzania's natural treasures.


  • our excursion promises a holistic safari experience blending cultural immersion
  • The opportunity to immerse oneself in the tranquility of Momella Lakes
  • explore the park's varied terrain through exhilarating hiking trails,
  • Guests are treated to up-close encounters with a rich array of wildlife.



Wanneer moet ik boeken?

Om de beschikbaarheid te garanderen, dient u zo snel mogelijk te reserveren. Vroegboekkorting is het overwegen waard, vooral als u de reis plant tijdens het hoogseizoen, zoals op feestdagen of in het weekend.


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