Aatiq Tour

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ID: GYG686309-1127723
Land: Tunesië

Duur: 05:00 uren


Welcome to the old city of Tunis, where history whispers through narrow streets and ancient walls. Join us as we embark on a journey through centuries of culture, tradition, and architectural wonders
Experience the timeless charm of the Old City of Tunis with our immersive tour. As we step into its labyrinthine streets, the air becomes infused with the essence of centuries past. Our journey begins at the imposing gates of the Medina, where history unfolds in every intricately carved stone and ornate doorway.

Wandering through the bustling souks, we'll encounter a kaleidoscope of sights, sounds, and scents. Lose yourself in the vibrant tapestry of colors as artisans showcase their wares, from handwoven carpets to gleaming brass lanterns. Let the aroma of freshly ground spices tantalize your senses as we meander through the spice market, where exotic flavors beckon from every corner.

Our path leads us to the heart of the Medina, where the majestic Zitouna Mosque rises in all its splendor. Marvel at its graceful minarets and intricate tilework as our guide shares the rich history and significance of this sacred place.

As we delve deeper into the labyrinth of alleyways, we'll uncover hidden gems tucked away from the hustle and bustle. Discover secret courtyards adorned with fragrant jasmine, serene oases amidst the chaos of the city.

No visit to the Old City is complete without sampling its culinary delights. Indulge in mouthwatering Tunisian delicacies, from savory brik pastries to sweet makroudh desserts, served with a steaming cup of traditional mint tea.

Our journey culminates at the ancient walls of the Medina, where the echoes of centuries past linger in the air. Bid farewell to this enchanting world where time seems to stand still, knowing that the spirit of the Old City of Tunis will forever remain in your heart.


  • Discover the rich history of the Medina of Tunis with a local guide
  • Explore the maze-like streets of the medina and learn about its history
  • Visit the Zitouna Mosque, the Al-Zaytuna Mosque, and the Dar Ben Abdallah Palace
  • Wander through the lively souks and marvel at the vibrant textiles and spices
  • Enjoy a moment of reflection in one of the medina's serene squares



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