Alanya: Sapadere Canyon with Cabrio Bus Alanya sapadere with cabrio bus trip

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ID: GYG660909-1091415
Land: Turkije

Duur: 09:00 uren


Attention nature enthusiasts! Explore Antalya's stunning landscapes on the Alanya Sapadere Canyon Tour. Join us for an unforgettable day of adventure and discovery in nature's embrace.
Let's embrace the breathtaking gifts of Mother Nature on our Alanya Sapadere Canyon with Cabrio bus tour. This hidden gem boasts majestic mountain gorges, captivating waterfalls, and serene lagoons of unparalleled beauty. The pristine rivers invite you for refreshing swims amidst pure, clean waters.
During this tour you will not only see the incredible beauty of nature, but also get a portion of fun and adrenaline, traveling on off-road and mountain roads and dousing with water between buses.

The invigorating mountain air, infused with the essence of pine, revitalizes your spirit as you immerse yourself in the wilderness. Surrounded by towering cliffs, you'll feel the exhilarating sense of exploration and conquest.

Sapadere Canyon's unique features, spanning 450 kilometers and resembling a stunning tableau, have earned it global renown as one of Turkey's most captivating destinations.

While we may not explore every inch of this vast canyon, our daily excursion promises to showcase its most enchanting natural wonders. Also, we will visit an observation deck in Mahmutlar. And you will see citrus, peanut and banana plantation areas. And don't miss the fun of water splashing between the buses, adding an extra element of adventure to our unforgettable trip.

Program of Alanya Sapadere Canyon with Cabrio Bus:
Pickup from the hotel
Stop at the panorama (15 min)
Visit to a Turkish village and swimming break (40 min)
Free time in Dwarfs cave (30 min)
Sapadere Canyon and lunch (1.5 hours)
Return to the hotels at 17.00


  • Sapadere Canyon
  • Cabrio Bus
  • Alanya Trip
  • Water war
  • Nature



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