Green Lake Mix Tour - A Day of Nature, History, and Culture

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ID: GYG508751-892792
Land: Turkije

Duur: 08:00 uren


Join us on the Green Lake Mix Tour for an unforgettable day of exploration, combining the wonders of nature, the richness of history, and a glimpse into local culture.
Embark on a captivating journey through the stunning landscapes and rich history of the Antalya region with our Green Lake Mix Tour. This full-day adventure offers a diverse blend of experiences, from exploring ancient ruins to basking in the natural beauty of the area. Join us for an unforgettable exploration of Portakal Bahçesi, the ancient city of Seleukia, a picturesque dam, the Manavgat Waterfall, and a serene mosque visit.

Orange Orchard Visit: First, we'll visit a place with lots of orange trees. Stroll among the fragrant citrus trees, learn about the cultivation of oranges, and even have a taste of the freshest fruit you'll ever encounter.

Seleukia (Lyrbe) Ancient City Visit: Step back in time as we explore the well-preserved ruins of Seleukia, an ancient city that once thrived in this region. Discover the secrets of this archaeological treasure while our guide shares its fascinating history.

Green Canyon Photo Stop: Next, we'll stop at a place called Oymapınar Dam, also known as Green Canyon. It's super pretty, and you can take lots of photos of the amazing views.

Lunch and Boat Tour: Time for lunch! We'll take you to a nice restaurant near Manavgat Dam, which is also called Green Lake. After you eat, you'll go on a boat ride for 1 hour. Enjoy the peaceful lake and the beautiful scenery.

Manavgat Waterfall Exploration: Prepare to be mesmerized by the enchanting Manavgat Waterfall. Witness the majestic cascade of water as it tumbles into the river below. You'll have ample time to take in the scenery, snap photos.

Mosque Visit:Our cultural exploration continues with a visit to a local mosque. Experience the serene ambiance and learn about the significance of this place of worship as our guide provides insights into Islamic traditions and architecture.

Return to Your Hotel: As the day comes to a close, we'll take you back to your hotel, ensuring you have had an enriching and memorable experience exploring the diverse wonders of the Antalya region.

Please dress modestly when visiting religious sites.
This tour is conducted using open-top cabrio buses or air-conditioned minibusses, depending on the weather conditions.
Don't forget to bring your camera, comfortable walking shoes, and swimwear if you plan to take a dip at the Green lake
Infants can travel free of charge if they are carried on an adult's lap

Join us on the Green Lake Mix Tour for a day filled with nature, history, culture, and unforgettable memories. Reserve your spot today and embark on this remarkable journey through the heart of nature.


  • Sail across the tranquil waters of the Green Lake on a catamaran
  • Discover the charming villages nestled in the Taurus Mountains
  • Experience the breathtaking beauty of Green Canyon (Oymapinar Dam)
  • Indulge in a delicious lunch at a nearby restaurant by the lake



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