From Phoenix to Sedona, Bell Rock & Montezuma's Castle

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ID: GYG692709-1136885
Land: Verenigde Staten

Duur: 10:00 uren


Enjoy the stunning and breathtaking views of the Sedona red rock area. We'll be visiting the majestic Bell Rock, Courthouse Butte, the 911 Memorial, Chapel of the Holy Cross and Montezuma's Castle.
Experience the wonderous Sedona's red rock area with your knowledgeable tour guide. We leave the city of Phoenix and start seeing the scenic Sonoran Desert and all the beautiful cacti spread across the land. Our first stop is at Camp Verde for a quick 15-minute break. Next, is the mystical and glorious Bell Rock Vista and Courthouse Butte. We will be hiking right next to them and up Bell Rock, taking wonderful photos you'll never forget. They do say this is a spiral vortex spot in Sedona. There will be a quick stop at the 911 Memorial and pay our respects to the fallen heroes. Firehouse #6 had brought back a beam from the famous Twin Towers and has it displayed for all to see and take pictures. Afterward, we take the tour to the famous Chapel of the Holy Cross and all its glory. Great pictures and a second vortex, makes this place spiritual and full of good energy. Everyone is usually hungry around this time, so we visit the tourism section of Sedona called Uptown. Here there are a lot of great restaurants, gift shops, art galleries and more. We'll be grabbing a delicious bite to eat and do a little shopping. It takes about an hour to eat at the restaurant and a couple hours to shop and sightsee the so many stores in the area. Once done at Uptown, we leave for the mystical Native American archeological sites, Montezuma's Castle to get superb pictures and sightsee the area. We leave back to Phoenix once done at these two sites.


  • We hike between the breathtaking Bell Rock Vista and majestic Courthouse Butte.
  • Get great energy and superb pictures on top of the Chapel of the Holy Cross.
  • Marvel at the mysterious, gorgeous Montezuma's Castle up on the side of a cliff.


Note: On the Bell Rock and Courthouse Butte hike, we will be touring the outer base of Bell Rock and between Courthouse Butte to do about a 1.5-mile easy hike. Then afterward we do a little climbing up Bell Rock taking beautiful pictures and seeing the breathtaking scenery. So having hiking or comfortable closed toed shoes is mandatory. This section of the tour will take about 2 hours so have plenty of water and stay hydrated.

Wanneer moet ik boeken?

Om de beschikbaarheid te garanderen, dient u zo snel mogelijk te reserveren. Vroegboekkorting is het overwegen waard, vooral als u de reis plant tijdens het hoogseizoen, zoals op feestdagen of in het weekend.


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