From Phoenix to the Grand Canyon South Rim and Sedona

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ID: GYG687124-1129823
Land: Verenigde Staten

Duur: 13:00 uren


Phoenix to the stunning Grand Canyon Village and Yavapai Point at the Grand Canyon South Rim. We also are going to be seeing the beautiful Sedona red rock area.
We leave from Scottsdale/Phoenix and immediately outside the city, we start to see the wonderful Sonoran Desert and all the green cacti canvassing the scenery. Our first stop an hour and a half later, will be at Camp Verde for a quick 15-minute break. 30 minutes away is our first official stop at the wonderous Bell Rock Vista, which they say is one of the energetic vortexes in Sedona. Our quick hike up to the base will give you that energetic and good aura about the whole area and you can just take the ravishing beauty all in. The 911 Memorial in front of firehouse station #6 will be our next stop to pay respects and see the beam they brought back from one of the twin towers. Next, we'll be visiting the magnificent Chapel of the Holy Cross, and they say this is another vortex spot. So just outside of the entrance, they have this huge photography spot where you can take pristine pictures. Everyone is normally famished by now, so we go to the most popular spot in Sedona called Uptown. This is where all the restaurant, art galleries and gift shops are at. We will be eating and doing a little shopping. The backroad through the magical Oak Creek Canyon to Flagstaff is very eye catching and wonderful. We drive through the green ponderosa pine trees and the snowcapped mountains of Flagstaff. Then we arrive at the Grand Canyon Village and see the wonderful viewpoints, Kolb Studio and the gift shop. Next place we visit is the Yavapai Point, more scenic viewpoints and the Geology Museum. We stay here for a couple hours before leaving back to Phoenix.


  • When arriving in Sedona, our first stop is at the magnificent Bell Rock Vista.
  • Grand Canyon Village is awesome with the viewpoints, Kolb Studio & gift shop.
  • Yavapai Point has the best lookout spots because you can see the Colorado river.


Dress accordingly, the temperature in Sedona and the Grand Canyon, range 20 degrees cooler than Phoenix.

Wanneer moet ik boeken?

Om de beschikbaarheid te garanderen, dient u zo snel mogelijk te reserveren. Vroegboekkorting is het overwegen waard, vooral als u de reis plant tijdens het hoogseizoen, zoals op feestdagen of in het weekend.


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