Drakensberg Mountain & Mandela Capture Site Tour From Durban

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ID: GYG643281-1067297
Land: Zuid-Afrika

Duur: 10:00 uren


Enjoy the majestic Drakensberg Mountains, the beauty, the hiking and much more. Visit Mandela Capture Site en-route to the Drakensberg Mountains.
Depart from Durban at 7am and head off to Nelson Mandela Capture Site. Nelson Mandela was arrested on 5 August 1962 outside Howick,
Natal, South Africa. He spent the next 27 years of his life in prison.
The Nelson Mandela Capture Site commemorates this moment in history with a visitor centre and a world renowned sculpture.

From Nelson Mandela Capture Site we head off to the Drakensberg Mountains. We do hiking in the Drakensberg Mountains.
The Drakensberg offers breathtaking landscapes, including towering peaks, deep valleys, and stunning waterfalls. The region is also home to an abundance of wildlife, including baboons, elands, and zebras. Visitors can enjoy hiking, mountain biking, horse riding, and fly-fishing, among other activities.
The Drakensberg Mountains are a natural wonder that offer visitors an unforgettable experience of South Africa's stunning beauty, rich culture, and exciting outdoor adventures.

There will be a lunch break (own expense) as you get to relax in the Valleys in the Drakensberg before returning to Durban in late afternoon.


  • Hiking in the Drakensberg Mountains
  • Museum at Mandela Capture Site
  • Sculpture at Mandela Capture Site



Wanneer moet ik boeken?

Om de beschikbaarheid te garanderen, dient u zo snel mogelijk te reserveren. Vroegboekkorting is het overwegen waard, vooral als u de reis plant tijdens het hoogseizoen, zoals op feestdagen of in het weekend.


Deze excursie kunt u kosteloos annuleren tot: annuleringstijd voor aanvang van de reis. Bij annulering na: annulering na: annuleringstijd of niet aanwezig zijn op de excursie wordt de volledige prijs van de activiteit alsnog in rekening gebracht. Te laat komen bij het ophalen of vertrekken wordt beschouwd als niet komen opdagen.