A perfect Day trip Debre Libanos and Portuguese bridge A perfect day trip Portuguesa Bridge and Debre Libanos

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ID: GYG632263-1052004
Land: Äthiopien

Dauer: 08:00 Stunden


this tour will give you the chance to see many natural and cultural wonders. From the stunning Jemma gorge to the historic Debre Libanos Monastery which dates back to the 13th c there is a lot to see.
It takes about two hours to drive north on the Gojjam road to get to Debre Libanos.

In Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity, Debre Libanos is a major monastic center. The famous mystic Saint Teclehaimanot founded the monastery there in the 1300s. There is a small cave near the new church where he is said to have stood on one leg for seven years until the other one gave out and fell off.

On this walk, people can learn about history and culture while also watching birds. As we go through the Sululta Plain, we can stop at an Oromo round house to get a feel for the way of life there.
There will also be birds like Common Cranes, Wheat ears, Black-winged Plovers, and Blue-winged Geese.
We will first stop at the Jemma gorge when we get to Debre Libanos. One of the rivers that flows into the Nile is the Jemma. The valley below is almost 1000 meters below. The Black-headed Forest Oriole, the White-billed Starling, the Red-billed Starling, the White-winged Cliff Chat, the White-cheeked Turaco, and the Hemprich's Hornbill are some of the birds that we might see here in the gorge and in the forest around the church. The Gelada, or bleeding-heart baboon, is an animal that is only found in Ethiopia. Lamergeyer's, Ruppell's, and Lappet-faced vultures will be among the birds we see in the gorge.
We leave the Gorge and go to the church. People can climb up to the cave of St. Teklehaimanot after seeing the church. Near the cave, monks may show tourists the bodies of about 300 monks who were killed by Italian troops in 1936. Mussolini and the Nazi government thought that the Ethiopian Orthodox Church was an important part of Ethiopian independence. They believed that by killing a lot of people in the Church, they would force the Ethiopian people to submit. The act of violence only made people more determined to fight back. Go back to Addis Ababa after the visit by car.


  • exploration of both natural and cultural wonders
  • the ancient Debre Libanos Monastery, with its historical roots tracing back to
  • Meet the local



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