Cebu City: City and Mountain Tour with Optional Activities Cebu city & Mountain Tour

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ID: GYG629891-1051198
Pays: Philippines

Durée du projet: 08:00 horaires


Explore the historical landmarks of Cebu City on a guided tour. Then, enjoy panoramic views of Cebu City and its surrounding islands from the Tops …
Discover the highlights of Cebu City and its surrounding highlands on a guided tour. Explore historical landmarks, religious sites, and natural attractions, and enjoy panoramic views of the city and its surrounding islands.

Start your tour with a visit to Magellan's Cross, a historical landmark marking the arrival of Christianity in the Philippines. Continue to the Basilica Minore del Santo Niño, one of the oldest churches in the country, housing the image of the Santo Niño, or the Holy Child Jesus.

Next, visit Fort San Pedro, a Spanish fortress dating back to the 16th century, offering insights into Cebu's colonial past. Then, head to the Taoist Temple, a serene temple complex nestled in the hills, showcasing traditional Chinese architecture and offering panoramic views of the city.

Explore historic streets such as Colon Street, the oldest in the Philippines, and visit landmarks like the Yap-Sandiego Ancestral House to experience the city's rich cultural heritage.

For a mountain tour in Cebu, explore various scenic spots and attractions in the highlands. Enjoy panoramic views of Cebu City and its surrounding islands from the Tops Lookout. Marvel at the grandeur of the Greco-Roman-inspired Temple of Leah, built as a symbol of undying love by a wealthy Cebuano businessman for his wife.

Visit the Sirao Flower Garden, also known as the "Little Amsterdam" of Cebu, famous for its colorful blooms and picturesque landscapes. Include the Taoist Temple in your mountain tour if you didn't visit it during the city tour. Explore its tranquil surroundings and learn about Taoist rituals and beliefs.

Depending on your preferences, include outdoor activities such as hiking, ziplining, or ATV rides in the mountains surrounding Cebu City.

Faits saillants

  • Discover the historical landmarks of Cebu City on a guided tour
  • Visit the Basilica Minore del Santo Niño and Magellan's Cross
  • Explore the Spanish fortress of Fort San Pedro and the Taoist Temple
  • Enjoy panoramic views of Cebu City and its surrounding islands
  • Add on an adventure activity such as hiking, ziplining, or ATV riding


Pick-up & Drop off in any hotel in Cebu City, Mandaue City, lapu-lapu City
ATV rides and Zip Line also available(Extra Fee)

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Cette excursion peut être annulée sans frais jusqu'à : heures d'annulation avant le début du voyage. Si vous l'annulez après les heures d'annulation ou si vous ne vous présentez pas à l'excursion, le prix total de l'activité vous sera toujours facturé. Tout retard à la prise en charge ou au départ sera considéré comme un retard.